
Exercise improves cognitive function

A sedentary lifestyle affects the brain and in turn lessens mental capacity. Colcombe & Kramer (2003) found that aerobic training improved cognitive performance and active lifestyles decreased age-related risks for cognitive impairment and dementia. These changes were accompanied by clear changes in brain structure and function. Studies have shown that exercise boosts overall brain volume increasing both gray matter (contains neurons and supporting cells) and white matter (consists of the nerve cell fibers that carry signals from one area to another). (Idea Fitness Journal February 2012)

Exercise can have such a dramatic effect not only on your heart health but on your brain as well. So  many people tell me everyday that they feel like they have more energy and can think clearer because of the exercise program they have started and this is partially due to the changes their brain is undergoing. Their brain is making connections faster because their brain is producing more neurons and cells which are allowing the signals to fire and communicate faster.

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